You get the dreaded call that no one ever wants to receive: Someone is stuck in one of your elevators. Being the property manager or maintenance person, it’s your job to figure out how to safely and quickly resolve the issue. So what should you do?


Assess the Situation & Call for Help

First, you should find out how many people are in the car. Then ask how they’re doing and if there are any medical emergencies that should be addressed. These are your residents or customers, and the reason they are stuck is most likely not their fault. You must communicate that with them and assure them that their safety is your top priority. Find out any information about anything noteworthy that may have happened before the elevator got stuck. If there are any medical emergencies, call 911. If there are no emergencies, call your elevator service provider.


Communicate Frequently with the Entrapped Riders

It is important to tell the passengers what you are going to do each step of the way and give them updates. Be truthful about information you receive from 911 or your elevator service provider so they know what to expect and have an accurate time frame. Reassure them that the elevator cab is a safe place and you are doing what is needed to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Be polite and thank the trapped people for their patience.


Remind the Passengers About Elevator Safety

Remember to tell the passengers to stay calm and not try to get out of the elevator until they are instructed to do so. Under no circumstance should the people in the car try to open the car door or ceiling hatch unless specifically directed to do so. Forcing the doors open can actually break the equipment, cause a delay in the rescue, and result in potentially life-threatening injuries. Elevator cabs are designed to be safe if the elevator gets stuck, so let the passengers know the best thing to do is get comfortable and sit down while they wait for help to arrive.


Check Your Elevator’s Safety Systems in Case of Future Entrapments

After your riders have been freed from the elevator, it’s a good idea to have your elevator service company do a check of all of your elevator’s safety systems. In the unfortunate event that your elevator gets stuck again in the future, you don’t want to risk people trying to escape the cab on their own. Anytime a passenger attempts to exit a stalled elevator, it can create a life-threatening situation. It’s vital to ensure that your mechanical door restricting device is working properly. This low-cost device or upgrade will prevent passengers from attempting to climb out of a stuck elevator without qualified assistance.


How Pincus Elevator Can Help

At Pincus Elevator we have a team of talented professionals to get your elevators back in working order as quickly as possible. We can also provide you with more information on door safety devices and related safety issues. Most low-rise installations are done in just a half day; a little longer for high-rises. This is a great investment for the safety of your passengers. Please call Tom Gibson, Sales Representative or Tony Belluscio, Vice President and General Manager at 610-738-4350 or email or We look forward to working together!