This is a friendly reminder that commercial elevators in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware—or anywhere in the world—are public spaces. Really. By law, that cozy, quiet space is no different than the building lobby, hallways, food court, or anywhere people gather.

That means your elevator ride is almost certainly being recorded. As a Delaware Valley elevator company, Pincus has little to do with this; we’ll help customers install surveillance systems if asked, but it’s their choice, and they’re not obligated to inform passengers that cameras are present. So if you’ve had one too many at the office party, it’s best to fold your hands and stand quietly until you reach your destination.

Though elevator surveillance rarely includes audio recording, sound still presents a problem. As we said, elevators are deceiving; they’re so small and peaceful, and we’re so used to ignoring other passengers, that every ride seems almost private. So it’s tempting to start conversations best had elsewhere. This is especially true in hospitals, who post signs in elevators warning employees not to discuss confidential patient information.

So it’s not just to do with the eye (or ear) in the sky; you never know who’ll join you on an elevator, and when. An obvious reminder, perhaps, but an essential one, and as your Delaware Valley elevator company based in West Chester, PA, since 1953, it’s our job to make every elevator journey safe, cost-effective, and stress-free.

If you’re looking for commercial elevator service in the Philadelphia area, call Pincus Elevator Company at (610) 738-4350. We’ve installed and serviced elevators across NJ, DE, and PA for over 60 years, and we look forward to hearing from you.