Are you refurbishing a building and realizing you want the elevator(s) to look just as modern? It’s a great time to upgrade an elevator during a period of other repairs. Or maybe it’s simply time to change that outdated look. Or perhaps there is an odor problem and refurbishing the cab is in order. And they can be useful as part of common area renovations.

Here are some things to consider.

First, avoid the temptation to have an architect or designer do it. You need someone who knows elevator code to oversee the project. Code covers everything from safety requirement to ADS compliance.

Second, recognize what a refurbishment gives you, and what it doesn’t. A cab refurbishment won’t give you speed or a smoother ride. That requires investment in equipment that is separate from refurbishing the cab.

You also need a qualified team to handle the project because renovations can change the weight of the cab, a key issue in whether an elevator will maintain its certification going forward.

Lastly, it may be tempting to just get it done without telling authorities you are doing it, or use a company that isn’t qualified. Even if you get away with it on the short run, that can expose you to liability down the road.

If you need elevator cab renovations for your building in the Philadelphia area, call Pincus Elevator.