As your commercial elevator company in Philadelphia for over 60 years, Pincus is dedicated to making your ride safe, smooth, and effective.

An effective elevator ride doesn’t just mean quickly getting from point A to point B, either. Elevator time doesn’t have to be dead time, good for only whistling and staring at the walls; it can improve your day. Keep these tips in mind during your next ride—you’ll be surprised at how well they work.

Clean out your phone. Do you really need the number of that guy you met in college?

Dream. Shut your eyes, take a few seconds to return to that waterfall in Tahiti or the top of the Eiffel Tower. Feels good, doesn’t it?

Make notes. Got an idea for a poem? Catch some funny conversation on the way back from lunch? Write it down.

Study. Got a big meeting or test coming up? Use your elevator ride to go over the basics.

Talk. Yes, you can meet people on an elevator. If your partner is wearing a Phillies hat, why not talk about the game?

Get organized. Refine your to-do list for the rest of the day, week, or month. A moment devoted to organization is never wasted!

Pincus has serviced commercial elevators in Philadelphia since 1953. If you have questions about commercial or residential elevators in PA, NJ, or DE, give us a call – we look forward to hearing from you.