Okay, wait. If you’re considering installing an in-home elevator in Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland or Pennsylvania, what’s technology got to do with it?  Gravity hasn’t changed in the last 100 years, why would elevators—and why care? The answers are profound.

One big change became widely available only in the last 5 years: eliminating the traditional shaft, machine room, and elevator hoistway. This has become cost competitive just since 2010 in the residential market. The reason this is important is that elevators can now be installed in smaller spaces—meaning that they are less expensive and that more homes can feature them.

This change will lead to greater ubiquity—and ultimately to lower prices. That, in turn, will drive consumer demand. Sound implausible? Residential elevators are likely to follow the trajectory of computers. Where once they required massive rooms, expertise to operate, and were owned only by large universities, today a college student wouldn’t dream of showing up on campus without a computer that was 1 million times as powerful as one available at the dawn of the PC age.

We can even foretell the arc of aspiration for elevators in homes. An elevator in the home 50 years ago would have elicited a reaction along the lines of gee, the owner must be rich! Today, the reaction is a lot closer to: that’s cool! Tomorrow, the reaction is likely to be, “that makes sense.”

And then things will really shift. The last stage in reactions will be similar to where we are today with garages. Many people—especially homebuyers—will simply expect them: “What do you mean the home doesn’t have one?”

If you are planning new construction or think an elevator might be right for your home—to enhance resale value, for your own convenience, or just because it would be cool—give us a call.